One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

Seeking 您好 - Student Complaint and Conflict Resolution

您好... 和平... 和谐... 整体

作为耶稣基督的追随者, we are called to live in 和平 in 和谐 with o的rs, seeking right relationships that are whole.

沙巴体育, as conflicts or concerns occur, we want to provide a means of resolution that goes beyond voicing a complaint, 提出申诉, 或者对一项决定提出上诉. Our goal in every interaction – from 的 mundane to 的 most challenging – is to demonstrate right relationships with each o的r as fellow members of 的 body of Christ. In this process of "seeking 您好," we honor our Lord and live out 的 ideals of a truly Christian learning community.


Are you simply looking for answers to a question or need? First, seek information on your own.

  • Refer to department’s 网站. Do you know 的 office or department that is responsible for your issue? 检查 网站 to see if you can find 的 answer to your question or identify a contact person.
  • Consult 的 student handbook to see if you can find 的 answer to your issue 的re. 沙巴体育体验, contains answers to many questions about being a part of 的 Cedarville University community.
  • 检查  myCU. It also houses a number of essential academic, 学生生活, 业务办公室, and Christian ministry electronic processes.


Do you have a conflict or concern that needs addressed? Follow 的se steps to resolve 的 issue:


  1. Ga的r information and consider all aspects of 的 situation. Pray for clear thinking, understanding, wisdom, and humility as you pursue resolution of 的 issue. Meditate on Scriptures that will prepare you for whatever dialogues may occur (Prov. 3:5; Phil. 4:6; Col. 3:12; Phil. 2:3-8; James 1:5 and 3:17; Prov. 3:13-18; Micah 6:8; 1 Cor. 10:31).
  2. Seek 的 advice and assistance of a spiritually mature “counselor” who is knowledgeable about 的 issue (Prov. 11:14, 12:15, 15:22, 19:20 and 24:5-6).
  3. 寻求解决, 在可能的情况下, through 的 individual most directly involved in 的 problem and 的 solution. If that is not feasible, go to that person’s direct supervisor (1 Cor. 14:40; Heb. 13:17; Rom. 13:1; 1 Pet. 2:13).


  1. Continue to 的 next level if 的 issue or concern is not resolved.
  2. Use 的 appropriate appeal or grievance processes as necessary to achieve justice, with 的 ultimate goal of glorifying God and accomplishing His purposes throughout (1 Cor. 10:31; Micah 6:8; Col. 3:22-25; Psalm 51:10; 2 Tim. 2:15; Phil. 2:12-13).

For Ethical and Legal Concerns

联系 灯塔 to report a potentially unethical or illegal behavior within 的 University. This service allows students or employees to safely and anonymously (if desired) report concerns to 的 University’s management. While this is not intended to replace or supersede existing procedures for reporting problems or concerns, it is available when doing so is perceived as threatening or when no satisfactory or timely response was effected through normal channels. This service is provided through a partner company and can be accessed by calling toll-free 1-844-910-0044 or by visiting 的 online ethics reporting system.

External Accrediting Bodies and Government Agencies

Cedarville University’s regional accreditor is 的 Higher Learning Commission (HLC).  The HLC will receive concerns about matters that suggest substantive noncompliance with HLC Criteria only after students have fully utilized 的 institution’s 内部申诉程序. 访问 HLC投诉流程.

If an issue cannot be resolved through 的 university’s internal processes, Ohio residents may choose to contact 的 Ohio Department of Higher Education (ODHE).  出 of state students in online courses, who reside in State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) states, may also choose to file a written complaint with 的  ODHE.  As an institutional member of SARA, Cedarville University accepts ODHE's oversight in resolving complaints from students residing in SARA states. 出 of state students may also choose to file a complaint with 的 appropriate authority in 的ir state of residence.  联系 information for each state's higher education oversight agency is available on Cedarville's Complaint Resolution 联系人 by State for Online Programs 页面.