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The Bible Minor Project

沙巴体育与众不同的附加值之一是每个学生, regardless of major, receives a Bible minor. Made up of five courses, 圣经辅修课程让学生思考神, His Word, 并鼓励他们把圣经沙巴体育到生活的各个方面. We are excited to serve parents, churches, 为个人和团体提供这些特殊的学习资源.

Theology I Taught by Dr. Jeremy Kimble

Jeremy Kimble

Theology I is the fourth course in Cedarville’s Bible Minor sequence. 本课程介绍三位一体的神、创造和人类、启示和罪的教义. 你会发现神学如何沙巴体育于你的生活,并学会如何捍卫你的信仰. 这些免费资源可用于个人致富, group Bible studies, and the benefit of the church.

The videos feature Dr. Jeremy Kimble神学副教授,担任课程教授. Dr. 金布尔热衷于教导学生神话语的真理.

If you would like to inquire about Dr. Kimble speaking at an event, please complete this contact form. Dr. Kimble regularly preaches at churches, conferences, and camps, and can also specifically address issues of theology, biblical worldview, biblical manhood, and the doctrine, function, and strengthening of the local church.



圣经辅修课程是沙巴体育改变生活的关键部分. 你会给学生提供奖学金吗,让每个家庭都能负担得起沙巴体育?

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Course Videos


Theology I: Intro to Theology

In this first lecture, Dr. 金布尔介绍了神学的话题,以及为什么它对基督徒很重要.

Theology I: Why Theology Matters

Dr. 金布尔继续解释为什么神学很重要的问题.

Theology I: Theological Method (part 1)

Dr. Kimble continues to unpack theology, 以及为什么理解圣经教义对我们很重要.

Theology I: Theological Method (part 2)

Dr. 金布尔继续他的神学方法的讨论,以及护教学.

Theology I: Natural Revelation (part 1)

Dr. 金布尔从自然启示的概念开始讨论启示.

Theology I: Natural Revelation (part 2)

Dr. 金布尔讨论了自然启示和各种救赎信仰, 特别注重包容主义和排他主义思想的.

Theology I: Special Revelation

In his discussion on revelation, Dr. Kimble shifts to begin discussing Special Revelation.

Theology I: Hermeneutics (part 1)

In this lecture, Dr. 金布尔讨论圣经解释学,或圣经文本的解释.

Theology I: Hermeneutics (part 2)

Dr. 金布尔讨论圣经对圣经的解释,被称为解释学.

Theology I: Triune God (part 1)

Dr. Kimble begins to discuss the Triune nature of God.

Theology I: Triune God (part 2)

Dr. 金布尔讨论了神的三位一体的本质,以及一些关于三位一体的历史信条.

Theology I: Triune God (part 3)

Dr. 金布尔继续讨论上帝的三位一体本质.

Theology I: Transcendence and Immanence

Dr. 金布尔讨论了上帝的超越性和内在性.

Theology I: Attributes of God (part 1)

Dr. 金布尔描述了上帝不可传递的属性,比如上帝是如何无限的.

Theology I: Attributes of God (part 2)

Dr. 金布尔讨论了上帝的自我存在和不变的本质.

Theology I: Attributes of God (part 3)

Dr. 金布尔开始讨论上帝可传递的属性.

Theology I: Attributes of God (part 4)

Dr. 金布尔介绍了地狱的教义以及上帝的属性:上帝的爱, goodness, grace, mercy, and beauty.

Theology I: Creation and Providence (part 1)

Dr. Kimble discusses creation and God's providence.

Theology I: Creation and Providence (part 2)

Dr. 金布尔继续研究创造和圣经对天意的看法.

Theology I: Purpose of Creation

Dr. 金布尔讨论了上帝的旨意以及我们这个世界的邪恶问题.

Theology I: Prayer

Dr. Kimble discusses prayer and how we should pray.

Theology I: Humanity (part 1)

Dr. 金布尔讨论了人类的圣经基础和神学综合.

Theology I: Humanity (part 2)

Dr. 金布尔讨论了影响我们生活的圣经基础和神学公式.

Theology I: Humanity (part 3)

Dr. Kimble discusses complementarianism, 认为男人和女人有不同但互补的角色和责任的观点.

Theology I: Humanity (part 4)

Dr. 金布尔继续讨论男人和女人的互补角色, 特别是他们如何参与教会的领导.

Theology I: Image of God (part 1)

Dr. Kimble begins discussing the image of God.

Theology I: Image of God (part 2)

Dr. 金布尔结束了他对上帝形象的讨论,以及基督徒成为上帝形象的承载者意味着什么.

Theology I: Doctrine of Sin (part 1)

Dr. 金布尔结束了对人性本质的讨论,将焦点转移到罪的教义上.

Theology I: Doctrine of Sin (part 2)

Dr. Kimble dives into Adam and Eve's sin, seen in Genesis 3, 以及堕落的结果如何影响着今天的我们.

Theology I: Doctrine of Sin (part 3)

In this discussion of sin, Dr. 金布尔给出了历史发展以及各种罪恶的来源.

Theology I: Doctrine of Sin (part 4)

Dr. Kimble continues to discusses the doctrine of sin, 还有一些神学家的历史发展.

Theology I: Overcoming Temptation

Dr. Kimble gives helpful insight on overcoming temptation.

Theology I: Need for the Messiah (part 1)

Dr. 金布尔结束了他对罪的教义的讨论,并将焦点转移到我们对弥赛亚的需要上.

Theology I: Need for the Messiah (part 2)

In this final lecture, Dr. 金布尔以一系列描述弥赛亚战胜罪恶和撒旦的能力的段落作为结尾.

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Take Your Biblical Study to the Next Level

Ready for the next step? Cedarville offers a Master of Divinity degree as well as a slate of online ministry-focused master's degrees 装备那些渴望在职业事奉中服事神的人. With multiple accelerated options to choose from, 沙巴体育的研究生事工学位提供了一个致力于圣经权威的综合课程, the Great Commission, 并装备当地教会的下一代领袖.

Partnering to Transform Lives

圣经辅修课程是沙巴体育致力于通过优秀的教育和服从圣经权威的有意门徒训练来改变学生生活的关键因素. 你愿意用今天的时间来保证沙巴体育的学业吗 具有挑战性的,真正的基督教教育是家庭负担得起的? 你的捐赠将支持学生奖学金以及学术和事工项目. We value your faithful partnership.