One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

About the Premedical Program

Why Prepare for Medical School at Cedarville?

沙巴体育因其出色的医学院准备而赢得了声誉. We equip students with the academic, 个人, 和精神品质,这是要求苛刻的医疗行业所需要的. Our graduates are serving around the 展现基督徒的同情心、专业能力和模范学术. As a premed student at Cedarville, 你将在一个由同伴和教师组成的支持性社区中学习和成长.

While most of our premed students major in biology, 分子生物学, 或化学, 你可以选择雪松维尔大学医学院预科学生提供的任何专业. 无论你的专业是什么,你都要完成一套核心课程,以满足入学要求 U的要求.S. 为你准备MCAT(医学院入学考试). You can choose either a BA or BS degree. The BS degree is more rigorous in the sciences; the BA is broader and allows for more elective classes 专业以外.

请求的信息 访问



Premedical Program Highlights

严格的 — As a premed student at Cedarville, 你将接触到严格的核心生物和化学课程, as well as a variety of upper-level electives, including Human 结构与功能, 遗传学, 免疫学, Microbiology, and Infectious Diseases.

人类尸体 -通过使用解剖的人体尸体,你对人体解剖学的研究将得到加强, 各种解剖模型, 还有在线软件. Students excelling in anatomy may take an upper-level human dissection 课程中,您将获得动手解剖人类尸体的经验(4:1学生与尸体的比例).

专业发展 -为即将入学的医学院预科学生开设专业发展课程,促进同学之间的社区和合作, and an upper-level professional development 课程准备医学院预科学生的申请过程.

研究的机会 — If you major in biology or 分子生物学, 在至少一个学期的课程中,您将获得与教师(5:1的学生与教师比例)一起工作的宝贵研究经验 research topic within the faculty member’s field of expertise.

What Can You Do With a Premedical Degree?

Most premed students are preparing for medical school. 然而,这方面的学生也可以申请牙科、验光或医师助理学校.

沙巴体育的学生在医学院入学考试(MCAT)中表现优异。, consistently scoring at or above the national average on all sections.


在过去的五年里, 82% Ce的darville premed students who applied to medical school were accepted (58 out of 71) — well above the national average. The acceptance rate for first-time applicants 是63%(71人中有45人).

对抗疗法的学校 — Cedarville graduates have recently attended allopathic schools such as:

  • Case Western Reserve University
  • Commonwealth Medical College
  • 马歇尔大学
  • Medical College of Wisconsin
  • Medical University of South Carolina
  • 密歇根州立大学
  • Oakland University William Beaumont
  • 罗文大学
  • State University of New York - Syracuse
  • 天普大学
  • 辛辛那提大学
  • 密歇根大学
  • University of North Carolina
  • 弗吉尼亚大学
  • 威斯康星大学

整骨疗法的学校 -沙巴体育毕业生最近就读的整骨疗法学校包括:

  • 坎贝尔大学
  • 得梅因大学
  • Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine
  • 自由大学
  • 中西部大学
  • 俄亥俄大学
  • West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine

In addition to a high acceptance into medical school, Cedarville graduates feel well prepared once in medical school.

许多毕业生回信对医学预科课程的严谨性和重点表示赞赏,因为它为他们做好了准备 transition successfully from undergrad to medical school.

Opportunities to Learn Outside the Classroom

Chi Theta Pi — 斯德维尔的 premed student organization, Chi Theta Pi, creates a supportive community for Cedarville premed students, 让学生接触医疗机会,并鼓励他们追求 医学专业的.

社区外展小组 — Premed students are encouraged to develop attitudes of service. 有很多  community outreach opportunities at Cedarville including some with a medical focus.

EMS培训 —  EMS training is offered each semester by our local fire department. 这门课在沙巴体育的校园里上课,地点对我们的本科生来说很方便. This course provides an opportunity 为医学预科学生提供实用的医疗培训,并获得EMT认证. 一次认证, 学生有机会加入大学急救队和/或当地乡镇急救队.

EMS Service Opportunities:

  • Cedarville University Emergency Medical Service (CUEMS) 是美国第一个由学生管理的大学紧急医疗服务机构吗. All students who serve with CUEMS are certified professional EMTs. 这支紧急医疗救护队与锡达维尔镇志愿消防队密切合作 to service medical emergencies of the university.
  • Cedarville Township Volunteer Fire Department (CTVFD) is located within one mile of campus and provides fire, 救护车, and emergency aid to Cedarville Township and 周边地区. 许多医学预科生同时是美国医学中心和锡达维尔镇的双重会员, 还有一些人拥有消防和高级生命支持方面的特殊证书.

国际任务 — Cedarville students serve in various countries and in a variety of ways. 学校鼓励学生通过当地教会参与国际宣教活动, through national organizations, or as a part of a Cedarville missions team. 斯德维尔的 全球推广 office facilitates about 30 trips each year, including some health care-related ones. 专门为医学预科学生设计的两个小组包括一个前往多米尼加共和国的牙科/医疗队和一个前往巴拉圭的医疗队.

  • 多米尼加共和国 - 2009年至今, 在春假期间,科罗拉多大学医学院预科生被邀请加入俄亥俄州当地的一名牙医,作为前往多米尼加共和国的牙科任务小组的一部分. This trip emphasizes the role of supporting 在多米尼加牧师的指导下,我们将牙科护理带到他们国家服务不足的地区.
  • 巴拉圭 -自2009年以来,Cedarville医学院预科学生有机会作为实习生参加T.I.M.E. (Training In Medical Evangelism) under the direction of Dr. 杰夫和艾米·麦基西克. The McKissicks are long-term SIM传教士, along with the rest of their SIM team, host premed students for this six-week summer internship. 在这段时间里,学生将获得与Dr. Jeff and participate in home-visits with Amy. 他们 是否也接触到语言学习、社区发展和门徒训练. 对于医学院预科生来说,实习往往是改变他们一生的经历, impacting their perspective of international medical missions.


Building on the liberal arts and Bible minor courses, 医学预科学生学习一套核心课程,这些课程将满足医学院的要求,并帮助他们为MCAT(医学院入学考试)做准备。. This core includes two semesters of biology, 普通化学, 有机化学, 物理, 数学, and anatomy and physiology and one semester of biochemistry, 心理学, 和社会学. 另外, premed students majoring in a biology, 分子生物学, 或化学 take several upper-level 科学课程.


  • 免疫学
  • 结构与功能

Program Format and 相关的项目

锡达维尔提供研究生和本科课程,有灵活的完成选择. 你可能也想 当你考虑最适合你的学位或项目时,请考虑这些相关的项目.

Two men working at a microscope.


Job and Grad School Placement




Director, Biological Science Programs, Professor of 生物学




Associate Professor of 生物学

