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About the BA and BS in Economics Degree

Why Study Economics at Cedarville?

With Cedarville's distinctly Christian economics degree, you'll be prepared for success in a variety of careers. 如果你打算读研究生,可以选择文学学士(BA)或理学学士(BS), the BS option is ideal, 而学士学位则提供了灵活性,可以探索其他课程或增加辅修课程. 随便你选哪个, you will study in a tradition of free market economics, focusing on the intersection of faith and economics.

Everyone lives and works in our market economy. 不管你在哪里执行你的事工——在私人企业, 政府, or in a church or missionary setting — you relate to many people, even people you don't know, through economic connections. 沙巴体育的经济学专业将帮助你最大限度地利用这些事工机会,同时为你在管理或其他一般商业职业的职业生涯做准备. 离开时,你解决问题的能力会增强,对问题的理解也会更深入 of economic principles integrated 与 biblical truth.

如果你想学习经济学,但不想把它作为你的主要关注点, then Cedarville's economics minor may be for you! 即使经济学不是你的专业,这门辅修课程也能帮助你培养“经济思维方式”.

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What Sets Cedarville Apart?


Bachelor's in Economics Program Highlights

Free Market Perspective — Cedarville professors provide a unique, 自由市场的观点来自奥地利和古典自由主义(保守的经济和政治思想的基石)的基础.

圣经的集成 — In Cedarville's economics major, your study will begin 与 a Christian anthropology, understanding that men and women are created in the image of God, 然而却堕落了. This perspective will help you understand 哪一种经济制度能最好地引导人类繁荣,同时又能最大限度地减少堕落的人类对彼此造成的伤害.

解决问题 经济学专业的学生学习一种特殊的解决问题的方法,通常被称为“经济思维方式”.” Employers value employees who are problem-solvers.

Broad-based Foundation — While the economics major is housed in the 罗伯特W. Plaster School of Business, 主要课程不仅由经济学系教授,而且由历史与政府学系教授. 斯德维尔的 economics major focuses on political economy. 沙巴体育的经济学、政治学和历史学教授在 比利亚人在城门.

Why Study Economics at Cedarville?

Cedarville takes a broad, 传统经济学课程,并将其与圣经世界观相结合,使其成为学习的理想场所.

What Can You Do With an Economics Degree?

雪松维尔大学的经济学学位将为你在各种职业生涯中取得成功做好准备. 尽管管理角色在商业中最常见,但经济学 majors are successful in law, 银行, 保险, 金融, 非营利组织, and international relations, as well as academic roles. 各级政府都聘请经济学家来管理和评估其运作.

Our students are also well prepared to go on to graduate school, potentially 与 奖学金 that faculty members help steer them toward.

研究生和专业项目以及雇主每年都欢迎沙巴体育的毕业生. 重要的是要注意,一些专业的职业领域可能需要额外的教育, 经验, 和/或在完成雪松维尔大学本科学位之后获得的许可证.

What Can You Do With an Economics Degree?


Opportunities to Learn Outside the Classroom

Integrated Business Core (IBC) -认可机构 华盛顿邮报, 这个两个学期的课程让学生将课堂学习与实际的商业经验相结合. 作为团队的一员, you’ll develop a business plan, 获得融资, market and sell a product, and donate your profits to a local 慈善机构.

实习 -通过在摩根大通这样的公司实习,你将获得宝贵的经验, as well as studying public policy through the 科赫奖学金 程序.

Berry Center for Free Enterprise — Engage 与 renowned business professionals through speaker series, gain hands-on 经验 by participating in various events, 并探索参与自由企业和创业的众多机会. 雪松维尔的贝里自由企业中心提供的这些倡议将加深你对自由市场的圣经基础的理解,并帮助你在商业世界中为基督产生影响. Explore the Berry Center for Free Enterprise

Student Organizations -你可以选择参加与商科有关的学生组织,例如:

  • A local chapter of the 执行委员会Values and CapitalismAmerican Enterprise Institute
  • 经济俱乐部 -对政治和经济事件感兴趣的学生聚在一起讨论、联谊和娱乐. 经济俱乐部的学生在促进校园政治和经济活动方面发挥了重要作用.
  • Student Leadership Team (SLT) — The SLT serves the 罗伯特W. 通过在学生和教师之间建立社区来巩固商学院, fostering relationships, and planning and executing events and 程序s.
  • 商界女性 - 商界女性是一个致力于帮助职业女性学习如何实现职业目标的组织, 在家里, 并投入使用.


What is the Difference Between a BA and BS?


Why Are Free Markets Superior to Central Planning?

学习自由市场经济的观点如何与基督教的世界观相一致, allowing individuals to flourish and maintain personal accountability.

Are Free Markets Biblical?



Building on your core liberal arts and Bible minor courses, 您将学习基本的商业课程,为成功融入管理和一般商业职位奠定基础. Your economics core includes basic principles that are then expanded on and enhanced in intermediate theory classes.


  • Comparative Economic Systems
  • Money and Financial Markets

Start Your Degree in High School!

Save time and money in college by taking dual enrollment courses now. 了解如何提前一年完成商学学位 双录取 通往商业之路.

Explore the 双录取 Pathway

Program Format and 相关的项目

锡达维尔提供研究生和本科课程,有灵活的完成选择. 你可能也想 当你考虑最适合你的学位或项目时,请考虑这些相关的项目.

Program Level and Format

  • 本科
  • 住宅
  • 四年
People in a room talking


Job and Grad School Placement


Photo of Jeffrey Haymond

Jeffrey Haymond, PhD

罗伯特·W·迪恩. Plaster School of Business; Professor of Economics


Photo of Jared Pincin


Associate Professor of Economics




Professor Emeritus of Economics


Photo of Bert Wheeler


Professor of Economics

